Thursday, April 30, 2009

La Playa Cullera + Halloween in April?

My recent posts are like a broken record, but I never grow tired of announcing my success, especially after how viciously people get on my case about being a dormilona (sleepyhead). I got up on time, even after little sleep, and ate breakfast, got ready, and walked to school. I got there before anyone else did. Check me out!

So, today was Composición and Literatura. For composition, we wrote comics in Spanish, and then added subtitle to random Indian movies. It was actually really fun. In literature, we just talked about Spanish theater. It was good, too.

After school, I walked home with Anna and Melanie. On the way, I stopped in a Chino and got some NEON pink and orange nail polish. When I got home, I painted my nails bright pink. They look so awesome.

For lunch, Matilde, César and I had rice with chicken, bread, and strawberries, and for dessert, cake AND ice cream. It was definitely a treat. Afterwards, I came up to my room and read for a little bit.

Around 4:00, I headed to the Estació de Nord to catch the train to Cullera, the town right next to Sueca, about 30 minutes away. At the station there, Muriel, Anne, and Anna picked me up, and we went to the beautiful beach there. The beach is so naturally, with beautiful flowers and plants on the small sand dunes.

It got a little overcast, unfortunately, so we didn't lay out. But we just talked, played guitar, sang, enjoyed being together. I don't get to see them as much as my other friends who live in Valencia, so it was a nice treat.

The girls took me back up to the train station around 8:00, and I caught the train at 8:15. I got back to Valencia, ran home to change out of my bathing suit, and then caught the number 7 bus to Calle Quart, to my church. Tonight, we had like a haunted house in the church... it was really funny. It wasn't actually scary, but people dressed up and then we had dinner afterwards. Samu, who's nickname is appropriately Samu Manson, dressed up as Marilyn. You be the judge:

Even though it was kind of a weird gathering, it was still so fun because a lot of my friends were there: Macy, Markos, Dovis, Dabid, Samu, Lukas, Lukas' friend from Holland, Ester, Elias, and Dani. We stayed at the church until about 2:00, and then Dovis took me and Macy home.

Preguntándome por qué en abril,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's getting so hard to think of blog titles

Ask me if I woke up on time.

Yes, EARLY. So early, in fact, that after eating breakfast and getting ready, I left in time to WALK to school and even got THERE early. I think it's safe to say that today got off to a nice start.

My classes today consisted of Conversación with Virginia, Composicón with Edu, and after the break, Historia with Adela. During the break, we had to take our progress test to see how far we've come since we first arrived in Valencia. Also, we had to do teacher evaluations. Our directors, Manuel, Sara and Rosario, also talked to us about the finishings up of the program and the night bus for next Friday. It made me sad. I went over to the ISA office after our little meeting and fiddled around on the internet before coming back for my 3:00 history class.

Class let out late, around 5:00, and so I caught the bus home. On my way to the house, I stopped in the Óptico to buy some contact solution. That's one weird thing - every product is separated according to it's category. For example, you can't buy contact solution from the grocery store, only the eye store. You can't buy shampoo from the grocery store, only the peluquería. You can't buy medicine from the grocery store, only the farmacia. Even the Carrefour, which is like Wal-Mart, is limited. Mercadona and Consumo and OpenCor, all of the grocery stores, are only food things. It's actually kind of cool, although inconvenient at times.

Nevertheless, I finally got home around 6:00 and sat and had coffee with Matilde while watching some news. I came up to my room after to relax, and then at 7:30, I had an early dinner so I could be on my way to Mendiguear. She fixed salad: lettuce, potatoes, pineapple, crab meat, and the main ingredient, corn. It was delicious. She also set out jam and cheese, bread, cake, strawberries. What a sweet woman she is!

I headed out around 8:00 and walked the hour to the Cabañal to meet up with my friends. We were a small group tonight: in one car, Miguel, María, Alison, and Samu; in the other, Dovis, Markos, Dabid and me. My group went to places I'd never been today. We spent awhile in the park by Misión Urbana, a homeless shelter in town. There were at least 15 homeless people laying in this one nook. We met Javier and Miguel, two sweet sweet men, and talked to them for two hours. Afterwards, we made our last stop by the Torres de Quart, and then Dovis took us home. It was sad, more so than it usually is, but worth it.

Also, Markos told me tonight that he is going to quit smoking. He said he'd really been praying about it, and knows that the Lord is calling him to do it. He's going cold turkey, which will be hard for him. Keep him in your prayers!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Una Noche con los Chicos

I woke up this morning ON TIME. I don't know what has gotten into me. I think, being 20 now, I have DEFINITELY matured, and punctuality comes hand in hand with this newfound maturity. Anyway, I had breakfast, got dressed, and headed out to catch the bus. I ran into Melanie on the bus, and so we finished our trip to class together.

Today was Cultura and Literatura. We didn't do much of consequence in either. I don't like Tuesdays of class, because they are the two most boring classes. But I tried to be a good student and be attentive.

After class, Melanie and I walked home. I had lunch with Matilde and César - broth: rice, artichokes, other vegetables... it was good. For dessert, we had freshly cut pineapple. YUM.

Afterwards, Matilde and I watched some TV together, and then I excused myself to study some and take a little siesta.

Around 9:00, we had dinner. Vegetable soup with eggs. Delicious, again. For dessert, we had some of Matilde's amazing chocolate cake with peanut butter spread :) They know how much I love peanut butter.

When I'd finished supper, I headed out to the Xátiva to catch the metro. I met Macy on the metro, and we went to Mislata, where Johnny lives.

Mislata is actually a little pueblo right outside of Valencia, even though walking, it would only take me about 1.3 hours to get there (relatively close, since school is .75 hours). There, at the Carrefour (comparable to our Wal-Mart) we met Johnny and Dovis, and later, Lukas and Markos came. We headed across the river to a GORGEOUS park that I'd never seen before.

In the park, we had a little picnic and just hung out, played around, listened to music, talked about the Lord, took lots of pictures. It was so funnn!!!

We stayed there until about 2:00, at which time Dovis dropped off Johnny, Macy, and finally me. When we got to Calle Molina, we stayed in the car talking until a little after 3:00. He's such a Godly guy, and I love talking with him about the Lord because he is so wise. I always learn something new when we talk. I feel blessed to have such a great friend!

I finally went in, and up to my room, where I almost immediately went to sleep.

I'm getting to the point where everything just feels so urgent. It's really sinking in, the fact that this experience is ending soon, and I want to soak up as much time with my friends and family as possible. I love to look back over these past months and see the hand of the Lord working in my life and in my time here. He is so faithful!

Super bendecido por Dios,

Monday, April 27, 2009


This morning, I woke up at 7:30. I was rested, but a little bit stopped up because the temperatures dropped during the night and I'd forgotten that my windows were open. Nonetheless, I got breakfast, then caught the number 89 bus to school.

Today, I had Conversación and Cultura. In both classes, I had to give powerpoint presentations, and for Cultura, I had to turn in my ten page paper. It was so much work, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders now that it's done. All that's left is just to study... for my 5 exams next Tuesday and Wednesday. Should be interesting.

After my morning classes, Megan and I went to Mercadona to purchase a few groceries... Matilde accidentally slept in a little this morning and forgot to fix me a bocadillo, which is totally fine with me. I ended up getting a pre-packaged salad and it was surprisingly really good. Afterwards, I headed up to the ISA office to chill until my 3:00 class.

Ken and I walked back over to the Facultad for Historia de la Lengua Española. It was a cool class period today. I'm getting really good at castellano medieval ;)

I caught the number 90 bus back home, since I had groceries. No one was home, so I rested some, did some serious investigating into the swine flu (I think I have it), and then went running. I showered, and then Matilde and I had dinner. We had pasta, chorizo, and deviled eggs. For dessert, we had strawberry smoothies and little slices of the chocolate cake she made. She is so funny - she always says she can't cook, but of course she is amazing. And she LOVES to get compliments on her cooking, so I give them! They're all true! But she loves to experiment in the kitchen. And I'm learning a few things, too, as we go along.

After dinner, we talked for a little while. Marta showed up, and she lent me a movie. I just love her.

Since then, I've been chatting with friends, uploading new facebook photos (all my Spanish friends love the pictures I take and will get on my case if I don't upload them relatively soon after they're taken), and relaxing.

Also, I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for coming home. I know it's going to be so hard. I don't do well with transitions. The worse thing is this helpless and paralyzing feeling - knowing that my impending departure is ever-approaching, and yet, regardless of my will, I am returning to the US next Saturday and saying goodbye to some of the most amazing people I've ever known in my life.


I just want to ask you all to join me in praying that the Lord help me through this upcoming transitional period, and that above all, I not let Satan steal my joy.

Un poco agobiada,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Adiós, mi familia favorita

I somehow woke up this morning, showered, and got ready for church. I left home around 10:40, and met Macy and Jessica, and then we headed to church in Calle Sueca, with Dovis and his dad - his mom and brother stayed home. The service was long (11:00 - 1:00), and afterwards we headed out to Alaquás, where the Sáiz-Ferrero family lives.

Laura, his mom, was there, finishing up making lunch. We helped set the table and get all the food out, and then we ate around 2:00. IT WAS AMAZING!!! Laura is the best cook on the planet. We had shrimp pasta, salad, calamari, Spanish equivalent of deviled eggs, chorizo and queso, and a cake of three chocolates that would make any grown man cry. At the end of the meal, we were all stuffed.

We stayed and talked for a few hours afterwards. This family is incredible. I feel so close to Laura after only knowing her for a short period of time. Juan, the dad, and brother Samuel are amazing, too. And of course, Dovis, who is probably my closest Spanish friend.

Around 5:15, it was time for us to go. J&M and I all had to study and finish up schoolwork, although we would've stayed there until midnight if our time was our own. We took pictures for memories, and then we said our bittersweet goodbyes. I don't know that I will see this precious family again, and so of course, I cried.

Dovis took us home, and then I spent the rest of my afternoon finishing all my projects. Although it took a lot out of me, it feels incredible to have everything done.

For dinner, Matilde, César son, his girlfriend Susana, and I had croquetas and potatoes and green beans. Do I even need to say that it was good?

Now, I plan on going to sleep EARLY and getting lots of rest to make up for all the rest I DIDN'T get this weekend.

Al final, terminada con todo,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Los Sábados en Valencia

It was a struggle to wake up this morning, but somehow I did. I hurried to get dressed and catch the metro to the Nuevo Centro to meet up with everyone. From there, we went down into the río (parque) to share breakfast with our homeless friends. So many of them came today!! It was super fun. It was me, Macy, Jess, Cris, Jaz, Abi, Fran, Markos, and Esteban. We stayed, eating, talking, and playing soccer. 

We had to say goodbye to all of our friends, because the next Saturday that they have this is the same Saturday that I leave Europe. SAD.

Markos took me home around 1:15, and when I got there, Matilde was expecting me. Today, she taught me how to cook Paella!!! It was amazing on so many levels. First, I actually can cook something Valencian, and second, I got to spend some amazing quality time with Matilde. I also got to meet her sister, which was neat. They are so much alike.

Around 2:30, we sat down to have lunch, with our paella and bread and cerveza limón, compliments of César. It was just the three of us, and so nice.

Afterwards, I took a little siesta, and worked on school stuff. Ugh. Around 7, however, I headed out to Calle Quart for a Christian concert there in the church. The band was named Secreto a Voces, with three girl singers, a guy guitar player, and a guy drummer. They were incredible! Macy met me there, and we sat with Anne, Anna, and Muriel, our German friends.

Macy and I left after the concert to meet up with Jess at the Feria Andaluza. During these two weeks, the Andalucíans have a Feria, a big festival, and the andaluces that live here in Valencia have their own small one in the río. It was really cool - lots of Flamenco and Andalusian food.

We met up with Markos, Dovis, Gaby, Samu, Elias, Dani M and Dani P, Johnny, Lukas, Christian, Esteban, and Sara. From there, we went to Aqua, a big shopping mall across from the CAC, chilled in McDonald's for hours, then went to the arcade next door. It was silly, but fun to spend so much time with the friends that I love.

Dovis, again, took me home, around 3:00, and I went immediately to sleep. So many hours spent awake these past few days... I love it!

La mariposa social,

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lagos y Vagos

I woke up this morning, early for some reason, although I was really tired. I went downstairs and had dinner with Matilde, and then went back up to my room. I read a little bit, and accidentally fell asleep in the process. Luckily, I woke up at 1:15, and rushed to get ready before catching a taxi to the Mestalla (the soccer stadium close to our school where Valencia C.F. plays).

At the Mestalla, the bus was waiting to take our group to Albufera, a little town outside of Valencia that is best known for it's natural lake of the same name. We were taking an hour and a half boat ride on the lake.

When we got there, we walked to the port, splitting into two groups for boats. My boat was me, Macy, Jess, Ben, Nate, Matt, Tana, Nicole, Anna, Elizabeth, Ken, Melanie, and Dottie, plus our advisor, Manuel. It was so fun! The weather was perfect, the lake was empty of other boats, and the wildlife was amazing.

After the boat ride, we headed back to the bus and to Valencia. When we got back, J&M and I walked towards the centro to spend time walking around. The day was too beautiful to waste. We explored new streets, and found a shop where they sell Spanish scarves cheap. I may or may not have purchased gifts.

We headed to one of the paseos outside of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where we had Clara, a mix of half beer, half Fanta lemon. I don't really like the taste of beer, but with Fanta Lemon, my favorite drink EVER, it wasn't half bad. We also had some gelato. I want to try it from as many places as I can, really take advantage of my time here... ;)

I headed home around 8:00, at which time I showered and made myself a little more presentable after a day of walking and windblown hair. Then at 9:00, I headed down to Aragón to go to the Cardenas' house. 

They'd invited a group of our friends over for dinner. We had pasta and salad and drinks and desserts. Afterwards we played Singstar, which is the singing equivalent to guitar hero. And in Spanish. Those in attendance were: the Cardenas family (Fran, Alexandria, Cristina, Jazmín, Abi, and Dani), Markos, Dovis, Jess, Macy, Lukas, Johnny, Esteban, Elias, and me.

We stayed there until about 2:00, and then Dovis took me home. Sweet Dovis ALWAYS insists on 'acercándome a casa'. He doesn't believe in letting a lady walk home. What a sweetheart.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Un Día Normal

I got up this morning, on time again. I had breakfast with Matilde, got dressed, and then headed to catch the bus to class.

This morning, we had Composición with Edu, and then Literatura with Verónica. Both were great - uneventful. During our break, Katye, Megan, Deana, Kyle and I went to sit outside and soak up the sun. It was a gorgeous day, and Edu let us out early.

Afterwards, I walked home, and got there right in time for lunch. It was Matilde, César, Miguel, Marta and me, and we had arroz negro. IT IS THE BEST! I absolutely love it. For dessert we had fruit, of course.

When lunch was over and the table was cleared, I came upstairs and worked on school stuff until dinner time. It was a productive afternoon, and although I had the windows open enough for my room to pass as an open air loft, I was still bummed not to be outside on such a gorgeous day. But that's the life of a student sometimes, I suppose.

Anyway, for dinner, we had fideos (in a soup) and tortilla with green beans. It was Miguel, Matilde and me. After dinner, I went upstairs and collected my things, and then went to meet Jessica and Macy. We went to a little used bookstore where I found a cookbook and The Prodigal Daughter in Spanish - VERY exciting.

The store closed at 11, and we still hadn't completed our mission for the night - to watch Moulin Rouge. So, like any normal person would, we decided to sit outside on a bench and watch the movie on my laptop. And of course, my computer died when there was about 5 minutes left.

So we all went home, and went to sleep, and for the girls, who hadn't seen the movie before, dreamed of a perfect ending. As for me, I just sank into thoughtless oblivion.

La más contenta del mundo,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beautiful Valencia!

Woke up this morning at 8:00, AGAIN, and had breakfast before getting ready for class. I headed to catch the bus to school, and got there at 9:30 on the dot. Here's where all my classes are, in the Facultad de Filología:

Today, we had Conversación with Virginia, which was great, and then our Composición class with Edu was cancelled! So I went out side with Megan, Katye, and Anna and had lunch in the park right across from our school. The weather was gorgeous, so it was a perfect picnic, with our bocadillos and all! After lunch, I headed up to the ISA office to work on some class things and then chill.

At 3:00ish, I headed back over to the school for my History class. When it was over at 4:30, I hopped on the metro and went and met Macy and Jessica in the Plaza de la Reina to have montaditos (baby bocadillos) and Tinto de Verano at one of the restaurants there. Wednesdays are a special - everything is 1 euro! After that, we got gelato at the amazing gelatería right next door.

When we'd finished, we walked around the downtown area - Barrio Carmen. Our final destination was FNAC (kind of like Best Buy) so Jess could buy some Spanish guitar music, but we definitely took our time and got to know streets we'd never taken before.

A really cool graffiti
Torres de Quart

We got to FNAC and listen to music for about an hour! It was funnnnnn. After we left, we headed home, and got ready for Mendiguear (when we share food with our homeless friends) tonight. I didn't have time to go back to my house and then walk to the Cabanyal, so I just stayed in casa until Markos came and picked me up on their way to our first stop, around 10:00.

Our group was: Markos, me, Jess, Macy, Cristina, Dovis, Lukas, and Reveca. We went all over town, including my future school here:

passing out bocadillos and talking with our homeless friends, found a few hats and flowers,

and delighted in each other and our time together. Markos took me home around 1:30, at which time I came up to my room, and since then have been working out my summer schedule. I'm trying to get 12 hours so I can have scholarship money - which means I'm going to be taking SCUBA! Cool!

¿Podría ser Valenciana?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.

After 2.5 weeks off of school, I was expecting to be Zombie girl at school this morning, but surprisingly, I woke up chipper and ready to go. I was up by 8:00, had a nice leisurely breakfast with Matilde, got dressed and ready, and then was out the door by 8:55. I caught bus 89 to Blasco Ibáñez, and was in class by 9:26. I was the first one there. I waited until about 9:35, at which time I was still the only one there. It got a little fishy at that point, so I called Melanie. Turns out I'd missed the email about meeting at IVAM for our Cultura class today. Luckily, we weren't supposed to be there until 10:00, so I had just the right amount of time to walk there.

IVAM stands for Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderna (Valencian Institue of Modern Art). It was really cool.

There were 2 permanent exhibits, and 4 temporary. I only had time to see one temporary and one permanent. My favorite was the permanent, Julio González. He specialized in sculptures, and I absolutely LOVED his embossed brass pieces.

We stayed there til 11:15, and then we walked back to school for our 11:45 literature class, during which we just watched more Don Quijote cartoons.

After class, I walked home. For lunch, it was Matilde, César, Miguel, Lindsey and me. We had an angel hair soup with mixed vegetables and garbanzo beans. We also had pastries for dessert - I had part of an apple and cheesecake pastry... SO delicious.

After lunch, I hung out, watched the most recent Gossip Girl episode, read my Spanish book, and worked on my projects a little. Around 6:00, I skyped with Mary Evelyn, and around 7:30, I went for a run in the park. It was SO NICE. The weather has been absolutely perfect recently, and the park is just FILLED with people going for a paseo, or running, or biking, or roller blading. Such a nice atmosphere.

When I got home, I quickly showered, then we had dinner. We had lots of peas, onions with salt and vinegar, quiche, and a tomato and tuna cake. It was actually all very good. Afterward we had a batido (smoothie-like) of bananas and strawberries.

After supper, I skyped my mom, finished my Spanish movie, and went to sleep. What a nice first day back to school!!

La estudiante,

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tour de Oración

Today, I woke up again, feeling a little strange. My stomach was hurting, like yesterday. It felt like I'd eaten something bad, but I didn't ever feel super nauseated. Spanish water.

Anyway, I stayed in bed for a while, researching and watching Spanish films. Matilde came to see if I wanted lunch and scolded me for not telling her earlier that I felt bad. She set aside a plate of spaghetti for me for when I felt better, and then brought me up an infusión. What a sweetheart.

I started feeling better around 4:00, so I got up and braved my food. It turned out to be just what I needed. Yummy spaghetti... Matilde really knows how to make it!

After eating, I got dressed and ready, then around 5:00, I headed downtown to the Plaza de la Virgen to meet up with the Cardenas. There is a church in the US called The Vineyard, and it has gone international. Here is the site if you're interested: The Cardenas were involved in Ecuador while Cristina and Jazmín were still babies, and moved to Spain to help start churches here. The idea is for the daughter (South America) to bless the mother (Spain). So they moved to Sevilla and helped start La Viña there, and then moved here to Valencia. They haven't had as much success here, but are still praying that the Lord will grow this church.

All of this to say, we were having a prayer tour around parts of the city. Six Americans that work with The Vineyard in Boston came over to do a tour throughout all of La Viña churches in Spain. I got to talk with them, and it just seems like a wonderful ministry. Anyway, it was the Cardenas (Dad Fran, Mom Alexandria, Cristina, Jazmín, Abi, and baby brother Dani), me, Dovis, two other Spanish friends Daniel and Elias, and then the six Americans. Because I was one of the three people who can speak both English and Spanish, I was in charge of one of the three groups. Our group prayed for the new weekly prayer meeting that the Cardenas have started, 24/7 Oración. And I translated. It was really neat. The other two groups prayed for the new youth reunion every month, Visión, and our homeless ministries, Entérate (Saturday mornings in the park) and Mendiguear (Wednesday nights around the city).

After praying for about an hour in the plaza, we moved down to the río antiguo (park) to prayer for the homeless that we see on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We stayed there for about 30 minutes, too.

After everything, around 9:00, we headed back to the Cardena's apartment. Abi, the youngest who is 13, made cakes and brownies for all of us to enjoy. That girl is a talented baker, for sure!! We hung out their house until about 11:00, at which time at had to, unfortunately, excuse myself. Classes start in the morning, and I have to get a good night's sleep; otherwise, I will be absolutely worthless.

No lista para empezar las clases de nuevo,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cine Casa

I had a bad morning. I was so excited to be going to Calle Quart for church, and when I woke up at 10:00 to get ready, I felt AWFUL. So I ended up staying in bed for a little while, until about 2:00. My parents were gone - they'd been invited to lunch and an afternoon at friends' house.
So for lunch, it was just Miguel and me. He fixed french fries, sausage, and eggs sunny side up. It was all so good. At times, he can be a little shy, so when it's just me and him, I almost felt a little awkward. I tried to keep up a good conversation, but it was still a little forced. In any case, it was a good lunch.

I spent the afternoon working some on my paper. Also, I walked around my neighborhood a little. Just for a little paseo after my siesta. SOOO typical of the Spaniards. I'm trying to be authentic ;)

I watched some more of my Spanish movie, and studied some verbs in the evening. For dinner at 9:30, it was just Miguel and me again, even though Marta was around. He cooked eggs again, and a really delicious salad. We also had some of the tortilla española that Marta cooked.

I was planning on going to watch a movie at Cristina and Jazmín's house, and since Marta was headed out, too, she offered to take me. It was fun getting to spend a little bit of time with her outside of the house. She's really cool.

When I got to the Cardenas, it was just me and the girls. A little while later Jessica and Macy came, and a bit after that, Dovis. Dovis and a bunch of chicas - he loved it.

We set up our own home theater, with the projector and screen. It was super cool!!

We watched 'Knowing' with Nicholas Cage. In Spanish of course. And I fell asleep. So typical.

When the movie was over and I was (somehow) awake, Dovis took me home around 1:00, and then I immediately went to sleep. I was nice to just spend a night in at someone's house. Reminded me of Auburn a little.

La dormilona,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Coro Gloria

This morning was a bit slow. It was a rainy and cloudy day outside. I woke up around 11:00 and read my book for a little while, and also worked on my papers. I've mentioned it before, but that's the shame about rainy days. It's just so hard to get around without a car.

For lunch at 2:00, we had vegetable soup with bread and for dessert, strawberries with condensed milk. It was delicious!

After lunch, I showered and then hung out in my room, doing some homework. Also, Marta and Matilde, after lunch, had lent me some movies to watch, and so I watched a little bit of Los Lunes al Sol, with Spain's very own Javier Bardem. It was nice to practice my Spanish that way. Entertainment mixed with learning!

Around 7:20, I headed up to Estació del Nord to meet Macy and Jessica. We bought our tickets and then headed back to Sueca for the second time in 3 days. There was a Coro Gloria concert there at 8:30. Our friend Robin sings in the choir.

We got there around 8:10, and Anne met us at the station. We then walked to the Casa de Cultura and found seats. The concert began right on time, and let me tell you, it was AMAZING! Robin was so fun to watch, too. He's tall and kind of lanky, and has beautiful dark hair to his shoulders. He was just singing his little heart out. They sang African American spirituals. WOW! You can see Robin in the pictures... He's the tall dark headed guy in the middle!

We left Sueca on the last train of the night around 10:50, and got to Valencia around 11:20. From there, I walked the 20 minutes home down Rusafa/Sapadores to Calle Molina no 4. Once inside, I hung out with the fam in the living room for a little bit, then excused myself to my room to get some not-so-much needed shuteye.

Amando la música negra,