Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trasto = Piece of Junk

Lindsey and I had a hard time, again, with waking up, but somehow we made it. We got coffee, then got ready and headed to school. We were a little late, but it was no big deal because our teacher was too. Today we had Cultura y Civilización, after which our ISA directors gave us a test. The test is to see how much we improve over the semester, because we'll take the same one again before we leave. Then we had our Literatura Española class, which was really boring today.

After class, we headed home on our bikes - my front tire was pretty flat so it was definitely a hard ride. For la comida today we had fried potatoes (like french fries) and dry chicken. For desert, we had sliced oranges with cinnamon. After lunch, we hung out in our room, pretty much all afternoon. I was tired, so it was nice to rest a little. I watched Remember the Titans and quoted the whole thing.

At around 7:00, we headed out to the store to get a stash - of candy and crackers and things we can snack on. I also got some fiber cookies :)! We came back and hurried up the stairs. The last thing we want is for Señora to think her cooking is bad, so we're stashing our goods under our beds in suitcases.

We had dinner around 9:00. Unfortunately, it was probably the least agreeable meal we've had so far. It was a soup of diced hard-boiled eggs and bread, beets, and fried cheese. On the other hand, however, we finally had dessert that wasn't fruit! Señora made pumpkin cake, which was very tasty!

After dinner, we were making small talk, and somehow the meaning of name of their cat, Trasto, was brought up. Lindsey and I had looked it up before, but couldn't find it. Señora ran to get the dictionary, and when she finally found it, it said this:

Trasto (sus.) - piece of junk

They literally named their cat a piece of junk!!!! And it's funny, because the cat is like, really mischievous and mean. I couldn't stand up I was laughing so hard. Ahh, this family is the best!!

To all my readers, I'm so glad you get to see a little part of this amazing place and incredible culture. It's nice to be able to keep a log of all the things I'm doing and seeing and taking part in, but if you have questions or if there are things you'd like to know more about, let me know! Thanks for taking the time to read my daily activities and thoughts!!

Hasta el cuarenta de mayo, no te quites el sallo,


  1. I want to know where your parents grew up; maybe a little more about them. Have they lived in Valencia their whole lives? Did Sra. go to college? Have they ever been to the US? And you forgot to say you skyped me:)

  2. Leigh,

    I'm trying to post on your blog and it's not happening. So this is another test. Love you.


  3. I don't know what pealla is. Have I ever had it? Pray tell...

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