Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Una Noche con los Chicos

I woke up this morning ON TIME. I don't know what has gotten into me. I think, being 20 now, I have DEFINITELY matured, and punctuality comes hand in hand with this newfound maturity. Anyway, I had breakfast, got dressed, and headed out to catch the bus. I ran into Melanie on the bus, and so we finished our trip to class together.

Today was Cultura and Literatura. We didn't do much of consequence in either. I don't like Tuesdays of class, because they are the two most boring classes. But I tried to be a good student and be attentive.

After class, Melanie and I walked home. I had lunch with Matilde and César - broth: rice, artichokes, other vegetables... it was good. For dessert, we had freshly cut pineapple. YUM.

Afterwards, Matilde and I watched some TV together, and then I excused myself to study some and take a little siesta.

Around 9:00, we had dinner. Vegetable soup with eggs. Delicious, again. For dessert, we had some of Matilde's amazing chocolate cake with peanut butter spread :) They know how much I love peanut butter.

When I'd finished supper, I headed out to the Xátiva to catch the metro. I met Macy on the metro, and we went to Mislata, where Johnny lives.

Mislata is actually a little pueblo right outside of Valencia, even though walking, it would only take me about 1.3 hours to get there (relatively close, since school is .75 hours). There, at the Carrefour (comparable to our Wal-Mart) we met Johnny and Dovis, and later, Lukas and Markos came. We headed across the river to a GORGEOUS park that I'd never seen before.

In the park, we had a little picnic and just hung out, played around, listened to music, talked about the Lord, took lots of pictures. It was so funnn!!!

We stayed there until about 2:00, at which time Dovis dropped off Johnny, Macy, and finally me. When we got to Calle Molina, we stayed in the car talking until a little after 3:00. He's such a Godly guy, and I love talking with him about the Lord because he is so wise. I always learn something new when we talk. I feel blessed to have such a great friend!

I finally went in, and up to my room, where I almost immediately went to sleep.

I'm getting to the point where everything just feels so urgent. It's really sinking in, the fact that this experience is ending soon, and I want to soak up as much time with my friends and family as possible. I love to look back over these past months and see the hand of the Lord working in my life and in my time here. He is so faithful!

Super bendecido por Dios,


  1. You better not get married over there.

  2. Just bring my grandchildren to see me every now and then...

    Love on all your friends and family there and you will have such sweet memories to bring home..

  3. I'm just going to pretend that none of these irrational comments were ever made.


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